Ways to Boost Your Intelligence in 2011 - A website that tracks your moods, a pen that takes flawless notes, a thriller about Wall Street's collapse—The Daily Beast presents the culture and technology that will boost your intelligence in 2011.

Health Tips | Starting the New Year right - Healthy Ageing, Healthy Foods, Social Networks all three areas necessary for serious consideration in the New Year.

Staying on Balance, With the Help of Exercises - Balance is a critical issue to older people. And more and more, at one-on-one training facilities like Mr. Morea’s or at larger health clubs, whether in yoga and Pilates studios or adult-education exercise classes for older adults, balance training is becoming a priority.

Attention, couch potatoes! Walking boosts brain connectivity, function - Psychology professor and Beckman Institute director Art Kramer, doctoral student Michelle Voss and their colleagues found that a year of moderate walking improved the connectivity of specific brain networks in older adults

Protein that destroys HIV discovered - Loyola University researchers have identified the key components of a protein called TRIM5a that destroys HIV in rhesus monkeys. The finding could lead to new TRIM5a-based treatments that would knock out HIV in humans, said senior researcher Edward M. Campbell, PhD, of Loyola University Health System.

Why SIRT1 in your brain may keep you smart - A protein called SIRT1 in our brains may explain how our ancestors lived through such nutritionally scarce situations by protecting neurons and keeping the brain smart in extreme situations of survival. Additionally, recent research in animals suggests that through calorie restriction, periodic fasting, taking compounds such as resveratrol, and drug therapies of the future, humans today could increase production of SIRT1 to sharpen their own thinking and memory, and guard against the onset of diseases such as Alzheimer’s. See 10 steps to enhance brain power

Brain training reverses age-related cognitive decline - Specialized brain training targeted at the regions of a rat’s brain that process sound reversed many aspects of normal, age-related cognitive decline and improved the health of the brain cells, according to a new study from researchers at University of California, San Francisco.

Scientific review of how music training primes nervous system and boosts learning - Nature Reviews Neuroscience pulls together converging research from the scientific literature linking musical training to learning that spills over to skills including language, speech, memory, attention and even vocal emotion.

Exercise reduces anxiety and depression - As expected the benefits of exercise are many.

VegNews - Recipes, News, Books and more.

Genes for Extreme Longevity - By analyzing just 150 spots on the genome, researchers can predict who will live to extreme old age with almost 80 percent accuracy, according to a study published online today in the journal Science.

Postpunkkitchen - This site includes recipes from the cookbook Veganomicon and other vegan sources.

Body + Soul Magazine/ whole living website is a wealth of information on a balanced lifestyle. Recipes, raw food, stress reduction, spiritual paths, they are all included.

Bon Appetit magazine has lively and elegant vegan recipes although you will have to look for them specifically.

New evidence caffeine may slow Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, restore cognitive function Although caffeine is the most widely consumed psychoactive drug worldwide, its potential beneficial effect for maintenance of proper brain functioning has only recently begun to be adequately appreciated. (


Knockout: Interviews with Doctors Who Are Curing Cancer--And How to Prevent Getting It in the First Place by Suzanne Somers. A must read for anyone that has been touched by cancer. ie. Everyone.

The Life Extension Foundation - This is one of the few sites that integrates conventional and alternative medicine with substantial and recognized research notation. It is a great place to search for specific conditions and disease. - Sandra Steingraber’s website with details of her story as told in the movie downstream living and weekly essays on environmental issues and health

REDUCING ENVIRONMENTAL CANCER RISK What We Can Do Now Exposure to environmental contaminants has a stronger impact on cancer risk than previously believed, according to a new report from the President's Cancer Panel.
Despite a growing body of evidence linking environmental exposures to cancer in recent years, the panel noted that it was "particularly concerned to find that the true burden of environmentally induced cancer has been grossly underestimated."

Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center Have a look at this site if you are battling diabetes. Their raw food diet approach to health has produced excellent results.

Prevention magazine - They say that it is about smart ways to live well, and it is. This is one of my favorite sites. Check out the recipes and speed match.

H Life - Healthy Living redefined, Amazing vegan and veggie recipes